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BMOD0036 P075 B02

BMOD0036 P075 B02

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    Module,Screw Terminals

  • 描述:

    CAP 36F 0% +20% 75V CHAS MOUNT

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BMOD0036 P075 B02 数据手册
Nesscap Ultracapacitor 75V 36F Module | Datasheet FEATURES » » » » » Rated voltage of 75V and capacitance of 36F High performance module with low ESR Designed for indoor cabinet environment Long lifetimes with up to 500,000 duty cycles* Integrated UMU (Ultracapacitor Management Unit) for - Individual cell balancing - Voltage and temperature monitoring - Reverse polarity detection » Typical applications: - Wind turbine pitch control system - Industrial UPS and DVR *Image is not to scale. BMOD0036 P075 B02 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS EMHSR-0036C0-075R0C1 Rated Voltage, VR 1 Surge Voltage 2 Rated Capacitance, C Min. / Max. 4 Average Max. 4 Average At 2.5V per cell Capacitance Tolerance Initial DC-ESR, RDC 75 VDC 85 VDC 36 F 0% / +20% +5% / +10% 38 mΩ 29 mΩ 142 mA 300 A 28.1 Wh 2.0 Wh/kg 1.2 kW/kg 2.6 kW/kg 3 5 Typical Leakage Current 6 Maximum Peak Current, Non-repetitive 7 Maximum Stored Energy, Emax 7 Gravimetric Specific Energy 7 Usable Specific Power 7 Impedance Match Specific Power TEMPERATURE SPECIFICATIONS Operating Temperature Range -40 ~ 65°C Storage Temperature Range (stored without charge) -40 ~ 70°C TYPICAL LIFETIME CHARACTERISTICS* 8 DC Life at High Temperature (at VR and 65°C) 1,500 hours 8 Projected DC Life at Room Temperature (at VR and 25 ± 10°C) 10 years 8 Projected Cycle Life (constant current charge-discharge from VR to 1/2VR at 25 ± 10°C) 500,000 cycles Shelf Life (stored without charge at 25 ± 10°C) 4 years PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS Output Terminals Insulation Coordination Protection Degree Vibration Shock 5-conductor terminal strip (IP 20) IEC 61287-1 (Category: OV II) Rated insulation voltage: 1kV DC or 2.8kV AC (at 50Hz, 10 sec) Rated impulse withstand voltage: 6kV DC IEC 60529 IP 30 (Protected against solid foreign objects greater than 2.5mm diameter) SAE J2380 SAE J2464 *Results may vary. Additional terms and conditions, including the limited warranty, apply at the time of purchase. See the warranty details for applicable operating and use requirements. 3001965-EN.1 Page: 1 Nesscap Ultracapacitor 75V 36F Module | Datasheet UMU / MONITORING SPECIFICATIONS Cell Balancing Active & passive single cell balancing Voltage Monitoring High and low logic signal Temperature Monitoring NTC thermistor Signal Output 7-pin connector SAFETY & ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS RoHS Compliant REACH Cell-level compliant UL Cell-level compliant DRAWING DIMENSION & WEIGHT Length (±3.0) Width (±3.0) Height (±5.0) Nominal Weight 466.0 mm 168.6 mm 282.2 mm 14.0 kg 3001965-EN.1 Page: 2 Nesscap Ultracapacitor 75V 36F Module | Datasheet NOTE 1. Surge Voltage 4. Average ˃ Absolute maximum voltage, non-repetitive. The duration must not exceed 1 second. 2. Rated Capacitance (Measurement Method) ˃ Typical value or percentage spread that may be present in one shipment 5. Typical Leakage Current ˃ Constant current charge with 4CV [mA] to VR. e.g. In case of 75V-36F module, 4 x 36 x 75 = 10,800mA = 10.8A ˃ Constant voltage charge at VR for 5 min. ˃ Constant current discharge with 4CV [mA] to 12V. ˃ Typical leakage current of the module is the sum of the leakage current of the cell (measured at the rated voltage and at room temperature after 72 hours) and the bypass current created by the balancing circuit. 6. Maximum Peak Current ˃ Current that can be used for 1-second discharging from the rated voltage to the half-rated voltage under the constant current discharge mode 𝐼 = where 𝐶 = where " × (&' ( &) ) +) ( +' 𝐶 is the capacitance (F); 𝐼 is the absolute value of the discharge current (A); 𝑣. is the measurement starting voltage, 0.8ⅹVR (V); 𝑣/ is the measurement end voltage, 0.4ⅹVR (V); 𝑡. is the time from discharge start to reach 𝑣. (s); 𝑡/ is the time from discharge start to reach 𝑣/ (s); 3. Initial DC-ESR (Measurement Method) ½9: △& / 5 < =>?@A 𝐼 is the maximum peak current (A); 𝑉? is the rated voltage (V); △ 𝑡 is the discharge time (sec); △ 𝑡 = 1 sec in this case; 𝐶 is the rated capacitance (F); 𝐸𝑆𝑅45 is the maximum DC-ESR (Ω); ˃ The stated maximum peak current should not be used in normal operation and is only provided as a reference value. 7. Energy & Power ˃ Maximum Stored Energy, Emax (Wh) = ˃ Gravimetric Specific Energy (Wh/kg) = ˃ Constant current charge with 4CV [mA] to to VR. ˃ Constant voltage charge at VR for 5 min. ˃ Constant current discharge with 100A to 65V. ˃ Usable Specific Power (W/kg) = ½C9: ' DEFF =GHI JKLMN& F../9: ' =>?@A × JKLMN& ˃ Impedance Match Specific Power (W/kg) = F./P9: ' =>?@A × JKLMN& 8. DC Life and Cycle Life Test ˃ End-of-Life Conditions: - Capacitance: -20% from the minimum rated value - DC-ESR: +100% from the maximum specified initial value ˃ Capacitance and ESR measurements are taken at 25 ± 10°C 𝐸𝑆𝑅45 = △𝑣 𝐼 where 𝐸𝑆𝑅45 is the DC-ESR (Ω); △ 𝑣 is the voltage drop during first 10ms of discharge (V); 𝐼 is the absolute value of the discharge current (A) When ordering, please reference the Maxwell Model Number below. Maxwell Model Number: BMOD0036 P075 B02 Maxwell Part Number: 133733 Nesscap Model Number: EMHSR-0036C0-075R0C1 Maxwell Technologies, Inc. Maxwell Technologies SA Global Headquarters 3888 Calle Fortunada San Diego, CA 92123 USA Tel: +1 (858) 503-3300 Fax: +1 (858) 503-3301 Route de Montena 65 CH-1728 Rossens Switzerland Tel: +41 (0)26 411 85 00 Fax: +41 (0)26 411 85 05 Maxwell Technologies, GmbH Maxwell Technologies Shanghai Trading Co., Ltd Leopoldstrasse 244 80807 Munich Germany Tel: +49 (0)89 4161403 0 Fax: +49 (0)89 4161403 99 Room 1005, 1006, 1007 No. 1898, Gonghexin Road, Jing An District, Shanghai 200072 P.R. China Tel: +86 21 3680 4600 Fax: +86 21 3680 4699 Nesscap Co., Ltd. 17, Dongtangiheung-ro 681beon-gil, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do 17102 Republic of Korea Tel: +82 31 289 07217 Fax: +82 31 286 67678 The data in this document 3001965 corresponds to the data in Nesscap document 20170324 Rev0. The information in this document is correct at time of printing and is subject to change without notice. Images are not to scale. MAXWELL TECHNOLOGIES, MAXWELL, MAXWELL CERTIFIED INTEGRATOR, ENABLING ENERGY’S FUTURE, NESSCAP, BOOSTCAP, D CELL, CONDIS and their respective designs and/or logos are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Maxwell Technologies, Inc., and/or its affiliates, and may not be copied, imitated or used, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission Maxwell Technologies, Inc. All contents copyright © 2017 Maxwell Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. No portion of these materials may be reproduced in any form, or by any means, without prior written permission from Maxwell Technologies, Inc. 3001965-EN.1 Page: 3
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